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Preventive Effects of Ramelteon on Delirium

A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial









Eligible patients were 65 to 89 years old, newly admitted due to serious medical problems, and able to take medicine orally. Patients were admitted via emergency departments to intensive care units or regular acute wards. Patients were excluded from the study if they had an expected stay or life ex- pectancy of less than 48 hours.



The dosage of ramelteon was 8 mg/d, given as a single tab- let nightly, representing the standard dosage for the ap- proved indication of sleep disturbance.


The placebo com- prised 330 mg of lactose powder. The placebo did not match the ramelteon active agent in appearance.


The primary outcome measure was incidence of de- lirium, defined according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition).1 Simultane- ously, we censored patients in whom delirium developed, using the DRS-R98 total score, with a cutoff score of 14.5, estab- lished for the Japanese population by investigating the reli- ability and validity of the Japanese version of the DRS-R98.


Patients were randomized using the sealed envelope method in a rater-blind manner to receive either ramelteon or pla- cebo. For randomization, we referred to a random number table, with sequentially numbered, opaque, sealed enve- lopes used to conceal the allocation sequence.


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よくわからない理屈でSingle blindになっている.


全員follow upされている.


Nurses provided all patients equally with preven- tive care, such as avoidance of immobilization, adequate light- ing, noise reduction, on-time clocks and calendars, and regu- lar verbal communication.

Family members were not allowed to stay in hos- pitals after 8 PM, and study medication was given at 9 PM. There- fore, there was low likelihood of bias due to interactions with family members. Thus, neither nursing care nor family inter- actions could have been different in the ramelteon group.



The incidence of delirium during hospital stays report- edly ranges between 3% and 56%.5 Although patients with risk factors for delirium (eg, old age and dementia) are increas- ingly encountered in general hospitals, we thought that 56% was too high an incidence of delirium during general hospital stays in Japan. We therefore assumed that the incidence of de- lirium in patients receiving placebo would be half the upper limit (ie, 28%) and the incidence in those receiving ramelteon would be the lower limit (3%). To enable detection of differ- ences, we set the statistical power as 1 − β = 80% and the sen- sitivity as α = 5%. Through power analysis, we consequently set the required number of patients at 32 patients per group.


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Ramelteon was associ- ated with a lower risk of delirium (3% vs 32%; P = .003), with a relative risk of 0.09 (95% CI, 0.01-0.69). No adverse events potentially attributable to the study drug were observed.

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Figure 2 shows scattergrams of the highest total DRS-R98 score in each patient. Two patients with dementia in the placebo group with scores of 17 and 19 did not have a diagnosis of de- lirium according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition).1

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Kaplan-Meier estimates of the time to development of de- lirium were 6.94 (95% CI, 6.82-7.06) days for ramelteon and 5.74 (5.05-6.42) days for placebo (Figure 3). Comparison by log- rank test showed that delirium developed significantly less of- ten among patients taking ramelteon than among those tak- ing placebo (χ2 = 9.83; P = .002).


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