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MR CLEAN (NEJM 2015; 372: 11-20)

pragmatic, phase 3, multicenter clinical trial with randomized treatment group assignments, open-label treatment, and blinded end-point evaluation



inclusion criteria

18 years of age or older (no upper age limit) with acute ischemic stroke caused by an intracranial occlusion in the anterior circulation artery. Initiation of intraarterial treatment had to be possible within 6 hours after stroke onset.

Eligible patients had an occlusion of the distal intracranial carotid artery, middle cerebral artery (M1 or M2), or anterior cere- bral artery (A1 or A2), and a score of 2 or higher on the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS).



Intraarterial treatment consisted of arterial cath- eterization with a microcatheter to the level of occlusion and delivery of a thrombolytic agent, mechanical thrombectomy, or both. The method of intraarterial treatment was left to the discre- tion of the local interventionist.

interventionは,施設で自由に選択できますが,ほとんどが SolitaireなどのRetrievable stentでした.


usual care including IV t-PA.


The primary outcome was the score on the modified Rankin scale at 90 days.

Safety variables included hemorrhagic complications, progression of ischemic stroke, new ischemic stroke into a different vascular territory, and death.


90日の時点でのPrimary outcomeは,mRSの低下を認めています.死亡は減らせませんでしたが,その他の神経学的予後も改善していました.

supplementaryのみの記載ですが,subgroup analysisでも概ね同様の結果.​

その後,SWIFT PRIME, EXTEND IA, ESCAPEと立て続けに論文がだされ,いずれもIVRの有用性を示しています.

この内,EXTEND IA, ESCAPEはCT perfusionを使用しpenumbraの評価をした上で適応を絞っています.

Perfusionの画像診断は主に造影CT, 造影MRI, 非造影MRI, 核医学(SPECT, PET, Xenon CT)がありますが,今後は造影CTをしてからIVRとなるのかもしれません.

S/N比の低さ,解釈の難しさ,定量化の難しさ,通常はCBFしか測定できないことなどから,まだまだ乗り越える問題はたくさんありますが,個人的には単純MRI一発で終わるASL(arterial spin labelling)が,10年もすれば普通になる時代が来るかなぁと夢見たりしています.


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